As I was going through old voice memos on my phone I was startled to find a piano recording dated Dec. 31st 2016. On that day, my first single release off the upcoming record (coming soon) was simply a new piano inspiration. It wasn’t until two years later in 2018 when the first series of lyrics were written. Here is a screen shot of the very first voice memo of, Fear Not.
The startling realization that these songs have been brewing for years was both sobering and exciting at the same time. I have so many hopes, and dreams and desires for each one. Here are some of those. Please pray along with me in the next months to come:
*That those who don’t know Jesus will find Him and surrender their lives to Him.
*That those who are already believers would find new intimacy in their worship to Jesus and I don’t just mean in a musical sense, but that the overflow of their heart would have a ripple effect that grows and spreads, ultimately culminating in a ginormous wave of revival for the Kingdom of God. That we as “the church” might spend the rest of our days living unashamedly, unswervingly and wholly abandoned to Christ.
*For those people who are hurting wouldn’t feel so alone, but be encouraged and ministered to and bolstered by the truth of the Word that I have so purposed to embody the lyrics.
*That a newfound appetite for the word of God would develop in the listeners of these songs.
*That lies and strongholds and beliefs that ultimately try to shove God into a box would be obliterated.
*That a new sense of awe and wonder and holy reverence at the majesty and sovereignty of God would catch fire in every heart.
*That God would provide opportunities to share this music and perform it for as few or many as He wills.
*That God would continue to open doors for this ministry that He has called me and my family to and that He would supply every need to fulfill His plan.
*That people we (myself and my family) meet would see Jesus reflected in us and in the music and the way we live and that it would be contagious.
*That people would feel the love of Jesus stronger and deeper than they ever have before.
*That the Holy Spirit would permit each and every lyric and move in power wherever the sound waves of these songs are echoed.
Only He can do these things. I cannot. I am not enough. But WITH Him there is nothing that is too impossible or out of reach. Let all this be done for His glory! I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to serve Him.
Thank you for your prayers,